Tasks: Deploy to Generic Server, Apache, nginx, Tomcat and Export Certificate - fix issue with non-user accessible path setting causing issues with some exported components (e.g. full chain).
ACME: Remove log warning if acme profile not selected, add DisableARIChecks setting for users who require a specific renewal interval.
6.1.3 : 2025/03/04
Core & UI: Implement support for ACME named profiles (under Certificate > Advanced > Certificate Authority)
DNS: Implement Porkbun and INWX DNS providers via Posh-ACME.
DNS: Infoblox allow skipping of validation for self-signed server certs.
DNS: Cloudflare use quoted TXT values
ACME: skip re-use of existing order ID if previous attempt has failed (order expired by CA), skip ARI replaces when order has already failed.
6.1.2 : 2024/10/31
DNS: Improve duplicate record handling with AWS Route 53
DNS: Add support for PAT tokens in Gandi provider (via Posh-ACME)
Tasks: Report file copy failures for CCS task
API: Enable TLS 1.3 communication with CA API etc when possible.
6.1.1 : 2024/10/16
Tasks: Add new task trigger type to run a task if any preceding task has failed (e.g. if a single deployment task in a set fails, perhaps send a notification or call an API).
DNS: Add TencentDNS and ZoneEdit provider plugins from Posh-ACME.
CA: Add GlobalSign Atlas as a Built-in CA option.
ACME Accounts: support account pre-approval (EJBCA Enterprise etc) by optionally pre-generating a custom account key.
CLI: Advanced option to Add/Update stored credentials for automation of credential changes.
UI: Remove license activation notice in community edition for personal use.
SSH: Improve SSH/SFTP compatibility when authenticating via password prompt.
ARI: skip replaces operation in more situations when initial order fails (e.g. CA has changed).
Installer: enable install on Arm64.
Updates: Optionally quit app if an update is essential.
6.1.0 : 2024/08/09
IIS Bindings: extended logging has been added to explain individual binding matches and binding additions/updates (for Preview and actual deployment). Existing IP specific bindings with SNI will now also retain the SNI settings where applicable.
Renewals: New maximum of 1000 consecutive failed renewal attempts per managed item. This avoids incurring further unnecessary CA rate limits when an item can no longer successfully renew. Failed items can still be manually attempted with Request Certificate or can be removed.
Tasks: Updated SSH compatibility
Tasks: Set Private Key Permissions task was previously RSA only and now also handles Elliptic Curve key permissions.
Core: ACME API operations are now throttled per-CA to 2 requests per second, which avoids request-per-seconds rate limits on certain CAs.
SFTP: Fix for file copy bug which affected some file types (PEM etc) over SSH (bytes from previous file left over if new file was smaller).
Export: skip PFX credential check if exporting as PFX as export will just be a file copy.
6.0.18 : 2024/05/10
Renewals: Remove possible race condition where multiple orders of the same cert could occur at the same time and invalidate the private key.
ARI Support: automatically retry order if replacement certificate id no longer correct.
DNS: GoDaddy API access is now restricted by GoDaddy to accounts with 10+ domains. Add message in DNS provider error.
6.0.17 : 2024/05/01
Private Keys: fix optional re-use of private key when selected for a new managed certificate.
Tasks: For Apache, Nginx, Generic server etc on Windows, detect attempt to export a file to a directory name instead of a full path with filename.
ARI: Update ACME Renewal Information implementation to current draft draft-ietf-acme-ari-03.
6.0.16 : 2024/04/25
PowerShell: When using Launch New Process mode, additional arguments are now passed to the target script.
PFX Build: improve handling of build for unknown roots when there is no intermediate in the CA chain.
Updated Posh-ACME DNS scripts, SSH.Net version updated for additional SSH compatibility
New DefaultACMERetryInterval preference in appsettings.json to customize default ACME operation retry interval (in seconds). This can help when custom CAs etc have slower than normal order processing times.
6.0.15 : 2024/02/22
CLI: Add option to remove a domain from any managed certificate without knowing the ID e.g. certify remove any <domain1;domain2>. Empty managed certs are cleaned up automatically.
UI: Add support for parsing custom openssl private keys with ec param blocks
DNS: Implement PowerDNS API support for DNS validation via Posh-ACME.
Tasks: Preserve failure count if a renewal succeeds but a deployment task fails. This allows repeated task failures to trigger standard API notification just as cert renewal failures would.
Installer: Ensure BouncyCastle.Cryptography.dll is properly updated during install/upgrade which otherwise results in order/renewal errors.
6.0.14 : 2024/02/12
Tasks: Update SSH support to use newer SSH.NET library for improved compatibility and performance.
DNS: Add Hosting.de DNS provider via Posh-Acme, implemented by Fritz Otlinghaus
Renewal: Fix issue where failed renewals were retried too frequently which incurred CA rate limits instead of backing off attempts to every 48hrs as expected.
Tasks: Fix Apache, nginx, generic server export path validation when using Windows shares. Log error if stored credentials are required but not accessible.
6.0.13 : 2023/12/12
Implement advanced option for forced DNS challenge cleanup
FTP: re-use previously set FTP binding port instead of defaulting to port 21 for updates.
Validation: Add validation to prevent primary subject name from exceeding 64-characters.
Http Challenge Server: Stop challenge server on unknown exceptions to avoid possible process hangs if blocked by other processes.
Powershell: Fix issue with PowerShell script path issues when running as a new process.
DNS: report full provider name in logs when using Posh-ACME based providers.
Core: Increase order processing timeout to allow for slower CA order processing.
Core: batch and deduplicate status reporting (if enabled).
6.0.12 : 2023/10/25
Core: Add Sectigo Enterprise as built-in CA
UI: New option to allow local hostnames when added a custom CA
DNS: GoDaddy provider updates to fix issues preventing cleanup of TXT records, improved update logic and added request rate limiting.
Core: Report error if data store fails to load
Core: Error if PFX fails to be read after download (unsupported key types)
Core: Avoid error if attempting a Deployment Task that hasn't been saved yet
UI: Only use valid saved window dimensions
6.0.11 : 2023/08/21
UI: Add count of items with No Certificate to summary view
Core: Check for renewals tasks more frequently, perform maintenance tasks hourly.
Tasks: Add LogonType option for more powershell based tasks
UI: Fix for tasks retaining previously selected credentials when current service account is selected.
UI: Disable relevant UI elements when service is not yet connected
Tasks: Deploy to ADFS should use interactive LogonType by default
Core: Use UTC datetime handling as standard
6.0.10 : 2023/08/01
UI: Don't show progress reports for skipped items not due. Clear previous progress reports when starting new batch renewal.
UI: Improve UI for short lifetime certificates
Core: New renewal hold/retry algorithm based on certificate lifetime (if known)
Core: Add optional parallel renewal task processing and optional setting to leave challenge cleanup to the end of the renewal process.
DNS: Update Cloudflare provider to cleanup TXT entries in order of date modified
Tasks: Update Port Binding task error handling for netsh command output made more robust. Generally use this task in place of custom netsh http add sslcert scripts.
Core: Improve CA fallback logic to prefer the default CA settings instead of last used.
Core: Fix intermittent error for optional untrusted TLS connections to ACME servers
Core: Various fixes and improvements for managing large numbers of certificates
UI: Deployment tasks using Windows Auth should not require a remote target host
6.0.9 : 2023/06/26
All 6.x users are advised to upgrade.
Installer: Fix issue where some files were not being updated on upgrade leaving installation in an inconsistent state.
Certificate Cleanup: Corrected an issue where cleanup would not be performed if the mode was set to After Renewal due to not matching on the PFX friendly name.
6.0.8 : 2023/06/22
DNS: Fix errors reported when using the acme-dns provider
UI: Fix problems with saving and changed state when editing challenge configurations.
6.0.7 : 2023/06/21
Core: Fix for Manual DNS etc orders becoming stuck at awaiting user action due to order being expired by CA.
Core: Reduce logging by default for periodic maintenance tasks.
UI: Fix issue with refresh of challenge configuration parameters when changing between http and DNS validation.
6.0.6 : 2023/06/20
Core [potential breaking change]: Revert default private key type to RSA256 with key size of 2048. Some popular apps like MS Exchange etc do not support ECDSA 256 keys. If you have previously used 6.x and have MS Exchange or other affected apps, please review your Default Key Type under Settings > General
UI: Challenge configuration should mark item as modified when parameters change. Fix recursive challenge provider UI selection bug.
UI: Import/Export should show as an option by default.
DNS: Avoid acme-dns provider exception is API url not set.
6.0.5 : 2023/06/15
UI: Show the last used CA under managed certificate status. This is useful if you are using multiple CAs or CA failover.
UI: Additional settings to toggle External Certificate Managers, using Modern PFX Algorithms and default Private Key type.
DNS: Deprecate additional built-in providers and defer to Posh-ACME versions instead.
Core & UI: Add option in settings to renew certificates based on the percentage of overall certificate lifetime elapsed.
Core: Add option to limit requested certificate lifetime under Certificate > Advanced > Signing & Security, where supported by CA.
Core: Add renewal reason in logs explaining why an item is selected for renewal.
Core and UI: Fixed incorrect next planned renewal date shown in UI depending on renewal mode selected under Settings.
Core: Prevent exception if no matching CA account has been configured to match the certificate request.
Core: Fix error reading IIS site list if site does not have a path set in config.
Core: Additional validation checks for invalid Authority Tokens.
Core: Ensure periodic certificate store cleanup uses preferred store type.
Import/Export: Fix issue where PFX file remained encrypted after import. Added import overwrite option.
UI: Prevent exception if selected item is deselected during save.
Tasks: Fix intermediate chain export for Apache/nginx/hashicorp-vault to not include root.
6.0.4 : 2023/05/24
Installer: Fix versioning of various bundled Microsoft DLLs.
Azure DNS: Fix issue where existing record would have challenge value appended rather than a new record entry being created, fix cleanup of TXT records.
CA Failover: Improve selection of fallback CA choice where only 1 domain is included in cert.
Data Stores: Fix UI issue that prevented switching back to original default data store after switching to a different data store.
6.0.3 : 2023/05/23
Installer: Update digital signature on executables & libraries. Cleanup additional artifacts from previous installs.
6.0.2 : 2023/05/22
DNS: restore credential "Test" functionality where supported.
AutoUpdate: Fix issue where AutoUpdate script would download previous app version due to version string not being passed to API. Add Windows Event logging.
Help: Fix issue where invalid help links would cause an exception when link clicked.
6.0.1 : 2023/05/19
Tasks: Add new Deploy to Doppler task for storing certificate artifacts in Doppler SecretOps.
SQLite: Improve error handling when a database file is locked.
6.0.0 : 2023/05/12
Certify The Web - v6.0
v6.x is a major new release featuring lots of improvements developed over the last 12 months.
Certify SSL Manager is now simply called Certify Certificate Manager
Add support for STIR/SHAKEN (Secure Telephone Identity) certificates and add Martini Security (martinisecurity.com) as a built in CA.
Automatic CA fallback/failover is now enabled for new installs by default and can be toggled under Settings > Certificate Authorities, just add multiple ACME accounts and the app will automatically switch to the next available CA if the current one is unavailable or failing.
CA: Add Sectigo (EV,DV,OV ACME endpoints) as a built in CA option.
Data Stores: optionally use MS SQL Server or PostgreSQL as the data store instead of SQLite, migrate data between stores.
CLI: implement backup import/export options
Core/UI: Improved support for managing many thousands of certs
Core: Internal ACME CAs can now optionally connect using self-signed TLS
Core: New certificate OCSP and ARI health checks twice per day, per certificate, to test for any required early renewal.
Core: Use Anvil library for ACME support
Accounts: add support for importing and exporting account details, account key rollover and optional account deactivation on delete.
UI: Added turkish language support (thanks to Riza Emet)
Tasks: New deployment task to Set Private Key permissions for specific account.
Tasks: New task Update Port Binding for general TLS port binding updates.
DNS: New Domeneshop and Infomaniak DNS providers via Posh-ACME
DNS: New version of Microsoft Azure DNS provider.
DNS: New Google Domains provider for DNS based ACME challenges.
Breaking Changes:
CA: Let's Encrypt will now default to the ISRG Root X1 chain instead of the default expired DST Root CA X3 chain.
Core: Private Keys now default to ECDSA 256 instead of RSA 2048
Core: Installed root certificate no longer required for a successful PFX build.
Tasks: Exclude root cert from default export for Apache, nginx and Generic Server fullchain option.
Community Edition: Unlicensed version will manage up to 5 managed certificates.
DNS: GoDaddy DNS provider fetch all result pages, fix default result page sizes
UI: Changes to preferred chain were not being saved in account editor
UI: Certificate Authority select resets if user changes to main settings tab
UI: Fix challenge credentials reset to default item on refresh of credentials list
5.9.6 : 2023/04/28
DNS: New version of Microsoft Azure DNS provider.
5.9.5 : 2023/04/17
Add support for STIR/SHAKEN (Secure Telephone Identity) certificates and add Martini Security (martinisecurity.com) as a built in CA.
Implement ARI support for continuous renewal info health checks
Data Stores: optionally use MS SQL Server or PostgreSQL as the data store, migrate data between stores.
CLI: implement backup import/export options
Core: Installed root certificate no longer required for a successful PFX build.
Core: Use Anvil library for ACME support
Core: Default to smaller ECDSA 256 keys for CSRs instead of old RSA 2048 default
Accounts: add support for importing and exporting account details, account key rollover and optional account deactivation on delete.
DNS: IONOS DNS: fix for DNS zone matching
DNS: Azure DNS: fix patching of existing txt records during add/delete
5.9.4 : 2023/02/24
DNS: Implement Google Domains provider for DNS based ACME challenges.
Tasks: New deployment task to Set Private Key permissions for specific account.
Tasks: New task Update Port Binding for general TLS port binding updates.
DB: range of improvements for query performance with large collections of managed items.
Certs: new certificate OCSP and ARI health checks twice per day to test for any required early renewal.
Tasks: Azure Key Vault deployment task should use PFX password if set.
Tasks: Don't show remote host option if task doesn't support it.
5.9.3 : 2022/12/22
Remove blocking of UI for periodic status checks, use regular background checks instead.
Make modern PFX algs no longer the default due to compatibility issues
Use a loopback IP for default API binding instead of localhost due to incompatibility with some hosts.
Fix preferred chain pref not being honoured is CA has a default chain set in config
5.9.2 : 2022/12/15
Core: Implement continuous certificate health checks (OCSP and ARI).
Core: Relax PFX chain building so copy of the CA root is not always required.
5.9.1 : 2022/12/01
Use standard defaults for PFX build algorithms
Fix some exception logging when CA communication fails
5.9.0 : 2022/11/29
Alpha release for upcoming V6.0
General: Certify SSL Manager is now called Certify Certificate Manager
UI: Added turkish language support (thanks to Riza Emet)
DNS: Implemented Domeneshop and Infomaniak DNS providers via Posh-ACME
DNS: Add DDNSZone option for RFC2136 provider via Posh-ACME
Tasks: Breaking Change exclude root cert from default export for Apache, nginx and Generic Server fullchain option.
Core: PFX files now default to more modern key and certificate algorithm defaults. Legacy option is available as config.
Core: Refined logging details
Core: Internal ACME CAs can now optionally connect using self-signed TLS
CA: Add Sectigo (EV,DV,OV ACME endpoints) as built in CA option.
CA: Breaking Change Let's Encrypt will now default to the ISRG Root X1 chain instead of the default expired DST Root CA X3 chain.
DNS: GoDaddy DNS provider fetch all result pages, fix default result page sizes
UI: Changes to preferred chain were not being saved in account editor
UI: Certificate Authority select resets in advanced certificate setting user changes to main settings tab
UI: Fix challenge credentials reset to default item on refresh of credentials list
Planned Before Final Release:
*CA: Add Fallback modes- Preferred with Automatic Fallback (default), Preferred Only, Any (Random)
*UI: New optional cross-platform web interface in addition to the existing desktop UI.
*UI: new database migration UI to move from one database backend to another
*API: New APIs for custom client access
*Core: Support for running under Linux (Docker etc)
*Core/UI: Improved support for managing many thousands of certs
*Core: Nginx target support for website selection and binding deployment
*Core: Support for running on Linux, with certificates defaulting to pem format on that platform
*Core: New optional database backends for configuration storage: SQLite (default), Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL
*Core: New preference for cert expiry days (e.g. optionally expiring in less than 90 days)
Fix domain options not refreshing in UI when IIS site selected.
5.6.6 : 2022/03/17
Update Posh-ACME DNS providers to v4.13.1, Add LeaseWeb plugin, update Loopia & Simply plugins
Fix slow refresh of domain options in UI when managing sites with many domains
Improve server connection handling if connection config is invalid
Cloudflare DNS provider improvements (multi-value TXT handling)
5.6.5 : 2022/02/02
Add acmeaccounts list command to CLI to list details of currently registered acme accounts.
Fix performance of domain options UI when site has many bindings.
5.6.4 : 2022/01/11
Fix issue with non-escaped credentials when invoking Posh-ACME based DNS providers resulting in failed DNS challenge updates.
5.6.3 : 2022/01/07
Edit option added for Certificate Authority accounts to update contact email address.
Update service connection retry logic, disable service port negotiation by default
5.6.2 : 2021/12/20
Revert SQLite version due to upgrade causing compatibility issues for some users.
5.6.1 : 2021/12/17
Installer updated to remove old references to SQLite which prevented the service from starting. Improved background service update process.
5.6.0 : 2021/12/15
DNS: Added providers (via Posh-ACME) for All-Inkl, Combell, Constellix, ISPConfig, TotalUptime, UKFast, Zilore. You can now also optionally use Namecheap and DNS Made Easy via the Posh-ACME based providers.
DNS: New CNAME delegation rule option added to allow CNAME delegation of DNS challenges to a surrogate domain/zone.
Tasks: Added Azure App Service (webapp & function app) deployment, Add azure environment options to Azure KeyVault deployment.
Core: Subproblem logging for ACME errors.
Core: Custom plugins can load from %PROGRAMDATA%\plugins if plugin loading enabled (under Settings).
Misc: Use TLS 1.2 by default for AutoUpdate and Posh-ACME based powershell providers.
UI: Added server connections editor (beta).
CLI: Added acmeaccount command to register a new ACME account.
DNS: Azure DNS environment selection (US Gov etc).
Custom CSR: subject name not also specified in SAN list are now included in the overall list of identifiers.
IIS: SNI flags are now properly preserved if modified on Window 10/Server 2022.
5.5.7 : 2021/10/27
Certificate Authorities: Update maintenance task for ZeroSSL
Migration (beta): Add option for certificate re-deployment, progress indicator
AutoUpdate (beta): Add method to update script if in use during update
DNS: Update Posh-ACME based PowerShell DNS providers
CLI: reduce default delay for diagnostic autofix binding deployment
Core: Improve performance when applying Auto deployment binding updates where many individual sites exist
5.5.6 : 2021/10/20
Certificate Authorities: Extend maintenance task to add root cert required for ZeroSSL
Tasks: Export Certificate, Apache, nginx and Generic server deployment tasks updates with "full chain" export options.
Auto Update (beta): An example Auto Update powershell script has been included under %Program Files%\CertifyTheWeb\Scripts\AutoUpdate. Users who wish to auto update can create a Windows scheduled task (as administrator) to perform unattended updates automatically to the latest stable app version.
CLI: new activate command to activate instance license for unattended installs.
UI: Spanish translation updated (by community contributor xtarting)
Diagnostics: When running diagnostics from UI there is no need to check ability to create temp files
DNS: GoDaddy provider updated to fix cleanup task.
DNS: OVH provider updated to fix cleanup task (by community contributor Nuklon).
Migration (beta): Create destination cert storage path if it doesn't exist.
5.5.5 : 2021/09/24
Certificate Authorities: extend maintenance task to add required Let's Encrypt and BuyPass Go roots, update old/problematic intermediate certificates. See https://docs.certifytheweb.com/docs/kb/kb-202109-letsencrypt/ for information and help regarding the Let's Encrypt root changeover (30th September 2021).
UI: allow local hostnames in cert when using custom CAs
5.5.4 : 2021/09/09
Fix issue saving settings changes
5.5.3 : 2021/09/09
Certificate Authorities: Add new internal maintenance task to disable old/problematic intermediate certificates (e.g. the old Let's Encrypt R3). See community.certifytheweb.com for discussion around Let's Encrypts expiring R3 and DST Root CA X3 certificates. A reboot is advisable after this update to serve the non-expiring chain.
UI: Add advanced certificate options for OCSP Must-Staple and private key re-use.
UI: Add general setting for certificate store preference (recommended default remains the local machine My store).
UI: Enter key will submit domains to add to certificate (as well as clicking add button).
CLI: If filename not supplied for json export, a validation warning should be shown.
CLI: removing last domain from a managed certificate will remove the managed certificate as well.
Tasks: [Powershell] Add support for escaping ; and = characters in powershell args using \.
Tasks: [All] If credentials are used in a task and they fail to decrypt then an error should be returned.
Migration (beta): General updates and fixes.
5.5.2 : 2021/07/23
UI: Add Duplicate right click context menu option for managed certificates list. This is useful for copying managed certificates which have tasks or other settings you want to replicate.
UI: Fix crash on discarded changes after attempting a Save.
5.5.1 : 2021/07/22
UI: Start page updates, confirm re-request of certificates to avoid CA rate limits.
Core: Logging improvements
Tasks: Powershell task validation no longer treats inaccessible file as invalid.
Test: Http validation check won't error if IIS not installed.
UI: Fix images in quickstart guide
5.5.0 : 2021/07/19
UI: New Summary pane on startup shows filterable counts of managed certificates by health category
CLI: New JSON output for list option, new option to add managed cert from a JSON template
Tasks: New options for PowerShell and Script tasks to optionally run as new processes
CAs: Add SSL.com to the list of built-in ACME Certificate Authorities
CSRs: Add support for various RSA key sizes
Renewals: Preference can now be either N days since last renewal or N days before expiry date.
Misc: Add update check cleanup for old setup files
Misc: Add default cleanup for old certificate file assets
Misc: Service will perform diagnostics and report if machine is running low on disk space etc. A notification will be sent to the default CA contact.
UI: Fix issue with multiple new DNS authorization configs incorrectly copying parameters
DNS: Fix for Cloudflare DNS provider updating existing TXT records.
CLI: Fix for renew-all-due option attempting too many items.
Core: Fix exception reading config for external cert managers
Core: ACME compatibility fixes to support more ACME CAs
Core: Ensure all auth challenges submitted even if cert order has already failed, to help with auth rate limiting.
5.4.3 : 2021/05/22
Fix crash when trying to change UI language when UI settings have not been previously saved.
5.4.2 : 2021/05/21
Progress UI updates for DNS challenges which may be paused (Certify DNS, Manual DNS, acme-dns)
Updated docs links for DNS providers
Important: Fix for manual certificates (those not using IIS for the domain list) not performing standard deployment (affecting new certs created with v5.4.0, v5.4.1).
5.4.1 : 2021/05/20
Certify DNS: pass subject domain to registration service for dashboard monitoring
Fix for manual certificates (those not using IIS for the domain list) being identified as externally managed
Fix for potential exception when using keyboard to delete a managed certificate
5.4.0 : 2021/05/18
New Certify DNS service in beta. This is a new cloud based acme-dns style service and can be enabled on your certifytheweb.com License Keys tab.
Tasks: Powershell script task now has an optional parameter for max timeout minutes.
DNS: Azure DSN provider has new option for alternative azure global services
CLI: new options to add/remove domains from a given managed cert
Engineering: preparation for .net 5/.net 6 versions. Preliminary support for Windows Server 2022.
UI: New setting to manually select language for UI translations. UI now defaults to English for all users. Users keen to see translations continue should discuss on https://github.com/webprofusion/certify
DNS: General fixes for zone matching based on label depth.
DNS: AWS Route 53 zone paging
DNS: Cloudflare provider should not error if TXT record already exists
DNS: MS DNS provider now supports optional zoneid to avoid zone discovery process. Contributed by https://github.com/mb300sd
UI: Fix error launching browser in some environments links when clicking links.
Renewals: Failed renewals should not count against batch limit causing no renewals to be attempted.
Migration: If task script files are deleted then migration should skip them, if credentials deleted don't try to migrate them.
Revert to previous 10 managed certificates limit in Community Edition
5.3.5 : 2021/03/17
IONOS DNS provider updates
DNS Made Easy DNS Provider updates
Refine startup window positioning when used with multiple monitors
Import CSV should migrate pre/post request scripts to deployment tasks
5.3.4 : 2021/03/04
Installer updates (minor)
5.3.3 : 2021/03/02
Add new DNSPod (v2) provider. The old version is now deprecated due to provider API changes.
5.3.2 : 2021/02/26
Fix for primary domain preference not persisting when saved (first domain in list gets selected instead).
Additional refinements to configuration validation
5.3.1 : 2021/02/23
Added additional ACME API request exception handling for slow or unavailable services.
Custom CA root certs can now be stored under C:\ProgramData\certify\custom_ca_certs\pem or C:\ProgramData\certify\custom_ca_certs\der, for instance to support new Let's Encrypt staging root certs or any custom/new CA root without adding to the machine trust store.
Fix issue where new certificate orders may not include the primary domain (automated tests)
Fix logging of identifier name during validation
Fix issuer cache refresh without restarting service
5.3.0 : 2021/02/19
Display IIS sites by default if either mode (website/ftp) is started
Report error if DNS validation fails during testing.
Azure DNS provider max number of DNS zones increased
Updated Posh-ACME DNS provider integrations to v4.x, retired UnoEuro provider, added Simply.com and Rimu Hosting
CLI: Add --renew-all-due option and id=<managed cert id> option to target individual items. Managed cert ID can be found under Certificate > Advanced > Actions
Initial support for IP address identifiers (requires CA support).
Report error type if problem occurs attempting to parse a custom CSR private key.
General UI Updates
5.2.1 : 2020/12/03
fix selection of HMAC algorithm for external account binding.
5.2.0 : 2020/11/26
⚠ Important Update for users who need to support old versions of Android on their sites.
This version provides new support for "preferred chain", this is important for users who still need to support older Android devices using their sites.
On January 11 2021 Let's Encrypt will move to a new a root certificate ISRG Root X1 which is not trusted in older versions of Android. Affected users should set their preferred chain to DST Root CA X3 either at their Let's Encrypt account level (Settings > Certificate Authorities) or on specific certificates in Certificate > Advanced > Certificate Authority.
Alternatively switch to using an alternative Certificate Authority with an existing trusted root (e.g BuyPass Go or ZeroSSL).
Other enhancements in this version:
Added ZeroSSL as a standard Certificate Authority option. To get started with ZeroSSL go to zerossl.com and create a free account, then go to Developer > EAB Credentials for ACME Clients > Generate to get your 'External Account Binding' credentials. You can then add your ZeroSSL account under Settings> Certificate Authorities, New Account. See the Advanced tab to set EAB credentials.
New support for External Account Binding - this lets you use certificate authorities which require this feature.
New settings preference UI for NTP server check (time sync diagnostic).
External certificate managers and the PFX password option features are now enabled by default.
General UI updates and bug fixes
5.1.12 : 2020/10/29
Add automatic DB backup as part of daily maintenance, move all DB maintenance to daily task.
5.1.11 : 2020/10/21
Handle possible disk IO exception during db maintenance (low disk space or IO errors etc).
Powershell: don't use previously supplied windows credentials if no longer relevant to selected user type
Add default 5 min timeout to powershell scripting and make ExecutionPolicy optional
Add ssl option flag to Exchange Deployment Task (beta - try it out if you need it).
5.1.10 : 2020/10/13
revert exception behaviour when managed certificate changes made during request
Certificate Store deployment task now allows blank cert friendly name
Improved handling of potentially invalid IIS site bindings (including ftp)
5.1.8 : 2020/09/18
Fix custom PFX credential selection UI reverting to no selection.
5.1.7 : 2020/09/14
Important: Service Manager (Stop/Start/Restart Service) Deployment Task regression since 5.1.3, caused stopped service to not restart.
5.1.6 : 2020/09/10
Update deSEC DNS provider (Posh-ACME) and fix optional parameters
Ensure concurrent updates to managed certificates list show in UI
Just show release notes for versions after currently installed version.
5.1.5 : 2020/09/07
PowerShell execution policy preference in serviceconfig.json should be passed to deployment tasks
Fix ChallengeType reported in Webhook integrations
Don't remove script files from Program Files\CertifyTheWeb\ as some users may have custom scripts there. This is a temporary change to help with upgrades. If you have scripts stored there, move them now.
Note: Do not store custom scripts under Program Files\CertifyTheWeb, instead use a custom location which will be preserved (such as C:\CertifyScripts or C:\ProgramData\Certify\Scripts)
5.1.4 : 2020/09/03
ADFS deployment task fix/update
Fix option checkbox handling for various deployment task.
Catch exception if ACME registration timeout occurs
5.1.3 : 2020/08/28
Powershell scripting logon type for local user should use .<username> if no domain specified.
Fix PFX password choice display under Certificate > Advanced (if enabled), export/conversion of password protected PFX in deployment tasks
5.1.2 : 2020/08/21
SimpleDNS provider updates and fixes
Startup exception when no existing items present
5.1.1 : 2020/08/20
Fixes: Fix issue using SimpleDNS API
5.1.0 : 2020/08/19
Custom CSR (useful for SAP Netweaver and many other servers) and Custom Private Key support
RFC2136 DNS validation support via Posh-ACME and nsupdate
New Hashicorp Vault deployment task.
New Settings UI, including options to Enable/Disable preview features
CSV import now accepts 'auto' site id for auto deployment
New Tasks tab (previously under Deployment) to highlight Tasks feature
SSH/SFTP tasks now accept hostname:port to allow for custom ports.
Licensed installs can now deactivated from the UI (for decommissioning or license key changes).
Changes to authentication for network file copying tasks and Powershell to aid with domain/network authenticated tasks.
Certificate export updates and fixes
Misc fixes and refinements
5.0.12 : 2020/06/16
Fix: Improve integration of Posh-ACME DNS providers (fix Google Cloud etc)
5.0.11 : 2020/06/11
Fix: The advanced Re-fetch certificate feature should only be used if you have an existing cert order with the ACME CA
Fix: Settings save should not produce an error if no CA is currently selected
Fix: Default theme should still be light
Fix: (Dark mode) checkboxes not showing in domains list
Fix: if previous session used dual monitors, don't place the UI offscreen on resume with single monitor.
Fix: Add additional logging for permissions issues on service startup
5.0.10 : 2020/06/03
Fix: Fix startup exception when parsing invalid trusted root certificates from local store.
5.0.9 : 2020/06/02
Feature: Add powershell version detection to app diagnostics (PowerShell v5 or higher is required for scripting and certain deployment task functionality)
Feature: UI styling updates
Feature: Update cert revoke UI
Feature: Revised acme-dns workflow
5.0.8 : 2020/05/21
Feature: Deploy certificate to Azure Key Vault
Feature: Infoblox DNS provider via Posh-ACME
Fix: Manual DNS requests should pause and be manually resumed.
Fix: EasyDNS (Posh-ACME) parameter fixes
Fix: Service Manager deployment task bug fixes
Fix: Upgrades from very old versions should only use background service for renewals
5.0.7 : 2020/05/15
Feature: Cert Friendly name now included in results object for PowerShell scripting
Fix: Improved Ssh/Sftp handling in Deployment Tasks, Service Manager fixes and improvements
Fix: Deferred (manual) deployment tasks properly skipped during normal requests/renewals
5.0.6 : 2020/05/12
Feature: New Service manager deployment task (restart, stop or start a service)
Fix: Script task run as local service duplication removed, misc UI fixes
5.0.5 : 2020/05/09
Feature: improvements for challenge validation with non-Let's Encrypt CAs (e.g. small-step ACME)
Feature: Add basic support for viewing certs from external cert managers (win-acme and Posh-ACME)
Hundreds of smaller UI changes including IIS FTP site support, integrated documentation links for DNS providers etc, release notes UI
Dark theme
UI Scaling options for enhanced accessibility
Command line option to scan for certificates that have been revoked to flag them for renewal
Bug fixes
V4.1.8: Released 2020/03/04
Feature: Ctrl+Click Renew All button to force renewal even for current certificates
Feature: CLI --force-renewal flag
V4.1.7: Released 2020/02/22
Feature: you can now use Cloudflare API tokens instead of Email + Authkey credentials for the Cloudflare DNS provider.
Fix: DNS Providers now all support a custom setting for propagation time. Use this if the default doesn't allow enough time for TXT record propagation across your DNS nameservers.
Fix: Resolved issue with error related to 'invalid anti-replay nonce' when resuming certificate order with a large pause for DNS updates/propagation.
Fix: Resolve UI concurrency issue when tracking many simultaneous renewals
Fix: Restored ability to migrate manageditems.json to newer database (for upgrading v2.x users).
Plus miscellaneous smaller bug fixes and UI text updates
Fix: Avoid exception reading clipboard if copy/pasting from Preview results
Fix: Improve exception error message if begin order fails (rate limits etc)
Fix: Avoid exception if binding has invalid certificate thumbprint
V4.1.5: Released 2019/02/23
New NameCheap DNS provider (courtesy of @impworks)
Preserve UI window size/position between launches (courtesy of
Allow custom PowerShell execution policy default via config
Fix IIS registry check exception experienced by some users
V4.1.4: Released 2019/01/29
Fix: Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure exception on Server 2008 R2. Users on older versions of windows are advised to have the latest version of the Windows Management Framework installed unless they have compatibility requirements that prevent that.
V4.1.3: Released 2019/01/27
Fix: avoid Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure exception on Server 2008 R2
V4.1.2: Released 2019/01/25
Fix: ensure legacy database schema upgrades complete OK
V4.1.1: Released 2019/01/25
Important: legacy tns-sni-01 challenges will now fallback to http-01
New: New certificate cleanup options under Settings, including daily full cleanup
New: support for acme-dns (CNAME redirection service: https://github.com/joohoi/acme-dns) for DNS challenges
New: Microsoft DNS API Provider (contributed by AJ Henderson)
New: Test results now support copy on click for copy/paste usage
Fix for account key encoding in non-english locales
Renew All/Auto Renew is now synchronous to reduce issues with larger installations committing many IIS bindings
Enhanced error reporting UI for service startup
Scheduled Task option removed from default UI, background service has performed all renewals since 3.x
Various fixes, updates and UI tweaks
V4.0.12: Released 2018/12/04
Important: Changed behaviour of Static IP and unassigned hostname binding deployment
Fix replacing of previous certificate based on thumbprint matching
Fix to ignore stale option selections if Auto deploy/auto-binding selected
Various fixes and updates
Notes regarding binding behaviour changes:
Previously the app could try to enable SNI for a Static IP binding (based on the user's settings) this is no longer attempted.
Additionally if you had specified settings for the default IP of new bindings but switched back to Auto, the specific binding IP/port etc may still have been used for new bindings, this is no longer the behaviour.
If you have an existing http binding with a static IP this will be used if no hostname has been specified (all static IP SSL bindings carry a risk of binding conflicts, using SNI and specific hostnames is recommended).
If you require administrative control of https bindings you should select an option other than Auto under Deployment and Binding Add/Update should be set to Update only.
V4.0.11: Released 2018/11/28
Important: Fix for an issue with Account Key decoding which causes invalid challenge response validation for some users (affects all 4.x users)
Logging updates and additional fixes
V4.0.10: Released 2018/10/11
Important: Fix issue with binding not being updated to latest certificate (bug from v4.0.9)
V4.0.9: Released 2018/10/09
Fix wildcard domain binding matches
Improve Azure DNS API provider
Implement retries for IIS simultaneous binding updates
V4.0.8: Released 2018/08/15
Improve UI behaviour and avoid exceptions when IIS is not installed
V4.0.7: Released 2018/08/14
Fix account change after registering new contact
V4.0.6: Released 2018/08/13
Ensure current account key in use after version upgrades
Fix possible service exceptions/service stopping while querying cert bindings during cert cleanup.
Logging improvements and add additional logging for exceptions.
V4.0.5: Released 2018/07/31
Bug fix: re-use existing https port when non-standard port in use.
Improvements to background service startup.
V4.0.4: Released 2018/07/25
New UI changes to support a new wider range of features
New deployment modes and Preview feature to see what actions the app plans to perform.
Wildcard domain certificate support (*.example.com)
Let's Encrypt ACME V2 API compatibility
DNS Validation support for a range of DNS providers
Credentials manager to store and re-use DNS provider API credentials
V3.0.11: Released 2018/01/25
Fix for 'ghost' certificate bindings when using specific IP with SNI
Fix for installer not updating app files every time
tls-sni-01 no longer available as Let's Encrypt challenge type for new certs
Minor fixes & text updates
V3.0.10: Released 2018/01/06
Faster UI changing between managed sites
Invalid domains now filtered from new cert bindings
Minor fixes, logging updates
V3.0.9: Released 2017/12/22
Add warning when adding fixed IP SNI bindings (All Unassigned is recommended alternative)
Add CertificateThumbprintHash to Powershell output
Minor fixes
V3.0.7 & 3.0.8: Released 2017/12/16
Fix config check logic to allow for proxy API outages
V3.0.8: Add optional auto download and checksum/signature verification of updates
V3.0.6: Released 2017/12/15
Add refresh option for domains in managed site settings (when new bindings added)
Fix feedback submission (previous feedback/crash reports for 3.x will not have been received)
v3.0.4: Remove debug exception on create new certificate
v3.0.5: Use long timeout for long-running operations
Known issues: for some users the installer is not always replacing the current version. After install check the version under About to ensure it has updated.
V3.0.2 : Released 2017/12/12
Major update including:
New dashboard reporting integration for multi server monitoring and failure notifications
Auto Renewal process can now run as a background service
Managed sites now scales to many thousands of sites
IPV6 binding support
IDN Domain Binding Fix
Translation updates (new Norwegian translation by Steffen Fridtjofsen)
New renewal status information in UI
UI updates and fixes
Context menu to sort managed sites by name or expiry date
V2.1.28 : Released 2017/12/03
Workaround for private key issue/'Unspecified logon error'
V3.0.0 (beta 1) : Released 2017/11/27
This is a test version and should be used with caution. You should backup your c:\programdata\certify\ folder before proceeding. That said, here are some great new features:
New dashboard reporting integration for multi server monitoring and failure notifications
Renewal process now runs as a background service
Managed sites now scales to many thousands of sites
IPV6 binding support
Translation updates (new Norwegian translation by Steffen Fridtjofsen)
New renewal status information in UI
UI updates and fixes
Context menu to sort managed sites by name or expiry date (v3.0.1)
V2.1.27 : Released 2017/11/17
Fix license validation check
V2.1.26 : Released 2017/11/17
Important Fix issue where cert bindings are not updated if you have specific binding settings (IP, port etc)
V2.1.25 : Released 2017/11/06
New translation: Spanish (es-ES) contributed by Alejandro Mir
UI fixes (grid view scrolling)
Fix Update check
V2.1.24 : Released 2017/11/04
Fix exception trying to save backup of settings if no previous settings backup exists
V2.1.23 : Released 2017/11/03
Support for load/save of large managed sites configuration (thousands of sites) in low memory conditions
Fix for updating registered contact (Let's Encrypt account)
CLI updates (list managed sites, vault cleanup)
Important fix for auto renewal (process wait/hang)
Minor bug fixes
V2.1.21 : Released 2017/10/26
Minor bug fixes
Translation Updates (Simplified Chinese zh-Hans)
V2.1.20 : Released 2017/10/23
Fix issue identifying if IIS site is running/not running
Logging bug fixes
New: UI translation for Chinese (Simplified - zh-Hans) contributed by iccfish
V2.1.18 : Released 2017/10/18
Only perform DNS checks in test/preview mode
Bug fixes
V2.1.17 : Released 2017/10/17
Fix for settings not being preserved between app version updates. Please review your current app settings after this update.
Post-Request Web Hooks (report success/fail to your own API)
Revoke Certificate option
New tls-sni-01 challenge support
Updated pre-request config checks
UI Updates
Bug fixes
V2.0.13 : Released 2017/10/02
Fix bug finding www root folder on new managed sites
V2.0.12 : Released 2017/09/30
Advanced Users: PowerShell Pre/Post request hooks for scripting per managed site (contributed by Marcus Lum)
Fix app crash if user attempts to open log for site with no requests yet
Site wwwroot path is now configurable independent of site
New option to configure max renewal/requests per session (useful for helping avoid rate limits)
Bug fixes
V2.0.11 : Released 2017/09/09
Fix license validation check
V2.0.10 : Released 2017/09/09
Add warning if IIS installed instead of crashing on app startup
V2.0.9 : Released 2017/09/08
UI Updates and improvements
Bug fixes, including important fix for cert renewal on SAN certificates. Some users were seeing an issue with renewed certificates not containing all the required domains due to previous validation.
V2.0.8-beta : Released 2017/09/06
Preview release
V2.0.7-beta4 : Released 2017/05/22
Bug fixes (import and settings UI)
V2.0.6-beta3 : Released 2017/05/22
New Feedback Submission UI
V2.0.5-beta2 : Released 2017/05/21
Make use of EFS for sensitive files optional
V2.0.4-beta1 : Released 2017/05/19
First 2.0 Beta
Bug fixes and UI updates, TLS1.2-only comms now supported
New registration options
V2.0.3-alpha : Released 2017/05/09
Alpha preview of V2.0 released for initial feedback
New Managed Sites feature for granular control of requests and renewals
New Auto Renew and Renew All features
Multi domain/subdomain certificate support using SAN certificates
New UI
No longer requires PowerShell
Older Releases
Disable identifier re-use. Caused issues for renewals.
Enable ACME identifier re-use if identifers not expired and still pending/valid, to avoid rate limits when making repeated requests for same domain. You should upgrade from this version immediately. Renewed certificates will not work due to decryption key issues.
Fix powershell version detection sequence to avoid crash initialising vault. You need to be running Powershell 4.0 or higher.
Fix issue where generate domain identifier aliases were too long, causing cert requests to fail.
Remove default filter on IIS site state (some users not seeing there IIS sites)
Update to automated extensionless URL config checks for IIS (including Server 2012)
V 0.9.92
Removed the dependency on the ACMESharp PowerShell module from Powershell Gallery and bundled our own build
Minor fixes and UI Updates: Tree view now expands your domain list by default